It was annouced last week to almost noone's surprise that Borgata's Winter Poker Open to be held in January of 09 will not be part of the World Poker Tour. Borgata has two stops a year on the tour and they have now reduced it to one.
The long and the short of it is that the Worl Poker Tour is in trouble. Their business model is floundering. They moved from the travelchannel to the Game Show Network now to Fox Sports. These were all bad moves. Some may ask why is the WSOp so sucessful and WPT not. Easy, the WSOP sand ESPN shoot all of their programming in the same location over a few weeks of time. The WPT brings a crew around teh world and gets just two hours out of each trip.
They need to reduce the stops to 4 or 5 and add televised preliminary events. It is the only way it will suceed in the long run without them being but by Boyd or MGM.
In other notes. I have come across a company that is looking to sponsor upcoming poker players. Its called Reserve Vacations. They have a presense in Atlantic City and Las Vegas. Shoot me an email if you think you fit the bill.
till then.